Saturday, February 19, 2011

Masterpiece Under Colonization

       It was many years ago when we are colonize by other country such as the Spain and the U.S..They conquered our power. They make us, pilipino slave for their pleasures and lust. They wipe-out the freedom we had, freedom to choose and freedom to live better. Their governing was very cruel over us. They treat us like a dog, a dirty dog. Many Filipinos are died under their leadership.Pilipinos who are brave and ready to die for the sake and for rhe freedom of their motherland, Philippines.This Pilipino love to our country was truly unmeasured and undenial.And they are called heroes, such Dr.Rizal and Andres Bonifacio.
       Under the rulership or colonization of Spain many Filipinos became hopeless and helpless citizen. They loss their hope, they  don’t  know what to do. They don’t  know how to fight against Spain and tactics to overcome them. Because of difficulties many people use or did a sacrificial thing through their gun and knife and ready to face the end of their life. Other Filipino use poem or masterpiece against the colonist. They use this as a weapon  anti Spain such as Rizal’s masterpiece iUltimo A Dios or MY  LAST farewell and Andres Bonifacio‘s Katapusang Hibik Ng Pilipinas another  weapon he used for the cruelous  Spain. Their masterpiece or weapon was very effective against bec. It inspired many pilipinos and it make pilipinos a fighter against the enemy.They use their masterpiece to tell to many people the filthiness leadership the Spain have into our country.This would be their secret weapon weapon.
       U.S. also colonize our nation.If  Spanish influence us Christianity the America  influences  us the education.In their governing there are also many masterpiece wrote and not for freedom I think for entertainment .
        If we will compare the masterpiece wrote under Spain and under U.S. they are diffrent.The MASTERPIECE under Spanish are wrote to gain freedom and it’s more on for country or motherland’s sake.And the masterpiece under U.S.’made  was all about LOVE or ’’love life’’.    

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